Our happy customers

I moved into my new house and when I saw the backyard I didn’t like the way it looked and then thankfully through an ad I saw a site fixland.ca and it had so many services so I tried its landscaping service and wow they have done an amazing job


– Gabby Wells

My wife told me to remove all the junk that was stored in my storage compartment. However, I didn’t feel like doing it. Therefore, I searched on the internet if someone can do it for me, hence there I saw this company and they were willing to remove my junk and it seriously helped me a lot


– Mike Wilson 

I lived in my home for around 10 years and the tiles in my house started to get rusted and started losing colors. Therefore, I talked to a friend about it and then I contacted Fixland. By god their work is amazing and efficient not only are they tiling but also providing many other services as well


. – Miranda James

My home felt very simple and plain, so I decided to paint the walls. However, I am not able to do that all on my own, so I contacted Fixland to help me paint and they painted so well their work is amazing and efficient


– Carter Adams

It had been years since I worked on my backyard and its not possible for me to do heavy lifting anymore, so a family member gave me the contact information of a well-known company and I decided to use it and trust me they did an amazing job and I recommend it to everyone


– Sophia Rodriguez 

I want to recommend this company to everyone since they have been so helpful and hardworking. They listened to everything I wanted and even gave me their own opinions, and this is the reason why they are the best company.


– Alfred Davis 

I moved into a new house recently so I had many cartons and junk and it’s very hard for one man to throw it all away and therefore I saw this card about this company and I decided to give them a call and thank god they made my work 100 times easier, they are a very good company and I suggest you used their services as well


– Jacques Braden